What is QHHT?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a "spiritual" regressive hypnosis method developed by the late Dolores Cannon throughout the late '60s. Dolores Cannon wrote 17 books during her career, and there are currently a few hundred practitioners in the world using her method. At the time when she invented her method, Dolores revolutionized the "hypnosis" world by introducing the use of the SC (subconscious mind or higher self) into the session, thus relying on the "higher" intelligence of the client to "conduct" the session, bringing in a spiritual perspective. A few years ago, Dolores Cannon passed away, leaving her daughter Julia Cannon to continue her work and teach the QHHT program. QHHT is a modality to be used in person only.
How does QHHT work?
Quantum healing is a unique emotional and spiritual technique designed to access your inner wisdom by connecting with your "higher self." You align with your higher purpose and release old patterns that don't serve you, as well as stored emotions caused by trauma. Instead, you bring in self-healing, and therefore, you can choose a more positive path for your relationships, career, health, and spiritual growth.
How does a QHHT session unfold?
A QHHT session has a duration of 5 hours. In the first 2 hours, we discuss your life, your current issues, and most importantly, the reason/intention for having a session.
Within the next 2 hours, I guide you into a deep hypnotic state where you can access information and emotions stored within your subconscious mind. This process enables you to visualize significant events from your current lifetime or other lifetimes. You will be able to access your "higher self" or "higher mind," which helps release your trauma and facilitate emotional and physical healing. All healing is self-healing.
My role as a practitioner is to create and hold a sacred space for you while a clear channel within yourself is established, allowing communication with your "higher self" or "soul" during the hypnosis. I assist you in bypassing the ego-mind and the logical mind, creating an opportunity for you to experience an inner space similar to a deep meditative state.
After the hypnosis, we discuss the events that unfolded during the session (1 hour).
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What is BQH?
BQH, meaning Beyond Quantum Healing, was developed by Candace Craw-Goldman. She worked closely with Dolores for a decade and later decided to forge her own path.
BQH is defined as consciousness exploration for spiritual growth and self-healing. It is a creative and flexible method focused on the heart and energy, loosely based on a "past life regression" structure. The name is inspired by a quote from Dolores Cannon where she encourages her students to take quantum work "beyond" what even she, as a teacher, would have considered.
BQH as a modality can be used both in person and through an online platform.
How does BQH work?
Beyond Quantum Healing is a consciousness exploration and spiritual regression method that can help clients in an untold number of ways. BQH is an energetically focused foundational method that allows the practitioner to integrate all of their skills, enabling them to assist clients remotely.
How does a BQH session unfold?
A BQH session typically lasts for 4 hours. During the first hour, we discuss your life, current issues, and most importantly, the reasons you have chosen to have a session.
In the following 2 hours, I guide you into a deep hypnotic state, allowing you to access information and emotions stored within your subconscious mind. This process enables you to visualize significant events that have occurred in your current lifetime or in other lifetimes. You will have the opportunity to connect with your "higher self" or "higher mind," which aids in releasing trauma and facilitating emotional and physical healing. It's important to note that all healing is self-healing.
As a practitioner, my role is to create and maintain a sacred space for you, establishing a clear channel within yourself for communication with your "higher self" or "soul" during hypnosis. I assist you in bypassing the ego-mind and logical thinking, allowing you to experience an inner space similar to a deep meditative state.
If appropriate, I may incorporate other modalities and tools during the session, such as Reiki, tuning forks, or crystals, to further support healing and the release of emotions.
Following the hypnosis, we dedicate 1 hour to discussing the events that unfolded during the session.
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